I chose this Picture to represent my internship because the way I received training was one of my favorite parts about this internship. Some days we would be in a class and learn knowledge and then some other days we would be out practicing if it's in the warehouse or at one of the worksites all around San Diego and even reservations. I learned many things during my time in the internship but not only did I learn about solar panel installing, I also learned the science behind how it worked and a ton of important knowledge in the electrical field. It was really great because I was basically in any other indoor class learning about really interesting stuff that catches my attention. Overall this picture really shows the environment that I was working and practicing in, I was not under the sun the whole time and this is why I chose and like this picture.
I also decided to choose these two pictures and these pictures really show that I have contributed to my internship on helping around. every week or so we had a worksite that we had to go to and I helped pack the van with all types of tools, and material needed to complete this job. one of the pictures also represent our safety and it just tells people that in GRID Alternatives, they make sure our safety always comes first. We learned about our PPE that ensures we are safe and we were also taught what not to do when in a roof. the types of PPE that we always wore when learning hands-on were hard hats, work gloves, and also safety glasses. In shorter words GRID Alternatives values our safety the most and that is what also made me feel really comfortable when doing my assignments on ground.
I have also decided to include this picture in my photo essay because this picture says a lot of what I did and how I was actually having hands on experience throughout my internship. how collaboration can go a long way and many things are going on. You can see a junction box with wires screwed someone has to work on that. You see the metal pipes and their bent and someone has to do that. Then you can see the solar panel and the rails and someone has to install those things. In shorter words, this picture is very meaningful and just shows how collaborating with you group members fairly is a very great thing.
For my fifth and final picture of my photo essay, I have decided to go with this picture. This picture just really shows that in GRID I had hands on experience with safety being our priority. You can see my safety in my hand when I am holding the screw I have my gloves on and they actually provided me with my own gloves, glasses and hard hats. My task in this picture was to disconnect the wires from where the pipe was going to and this was just a connection that wasn't actually live so we were safe from accidentally being electrocuted.